Page 23 - Team TTO PARIS 2024
P. 23

challenge of Bovell endured the fast-closing
            Hungarian Laslo Cseh to claim the this country’s
            first – and to date, only - Olympic medal in
            swimming. He was only bettered in the pool that
            day by the legend Michael Phelps and another
            USA phenom Ryan Lochte.

            At the Olympic level, Bovell’s Athens 2004
            bronze medal places him as the lone
            figure in the TTO swimming pantheon.
            The Athens excursion was supposed
            to be another stepping block in Bovell’s
            rise to world domination.

            However, after struggling to make a podium
            appearance from 2008 - he was seventh
            in the event at the 2009 & 2011 World           2016 Rio de Janeiro Games – he failed to advance
            Championships and the 2012 London               from the first round - he called time on his career that had
            Olympics - Bovell displayed even more           spanned five consecutive appearances at the Olympic
            determination to overcome a car accident        Games.
            early in the year to win bronze at the 2013
            Barcelona World Championships in his            Twenty years on from Bovell’s Olympic delight that - along
            new specialty.                                  with his engaging personality and willingness to open his
                                                            life up to local fans - made him the toast of the Trinbago
            That was preceded by his one and only World     public, Carter is yet to attain those heady heights. Maybe
            Short Course - the equivalent of world indoors in      the eco-friendly Centre Aquatique Olympique (Olympic
                track - medal at the 2012 Istanbul World       Aquatic Centre) in St Denis will be the venue where Dylan
                      Championships. Then after a disappointing    Carter finally breaks through to the Olympic medal

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